Win Up To
Ends: Arizona Time
Details & Hints
That’s right,
22 FREE chances to WIN !
Get all 22 now or
grab some now, some later.**
* Following the 1st free entry form, entries are added for you in a consecutive sequence of 21 easy to answer questions. There will be only one winner of this week’s sweepstakes. The winning amount will be determined by the number of individual consecutive business question/answers that the winner has entered: $20 for each entry, $20, $40, $60, $80, $100, and so on in $20 increments, up to a maximum possible total of $440. See Sweepstakes Rules for details.
** “Oooh. I want that.” You’re filling a Love Arizona Sweepstakes entry and get involved exploring your new favorite business — next thing you know you’re ordering that shiny thing or that juicy edible thing or contacting that professional you’ve been looking for, and you haven’t finished grabbing all of your free entries. Don’t worry, as long as this week’s sweepstakes is still running, you can come back again and again to gather all 22 of your free sweepstakes entries.
Start Here
• This 1st free entry leads to 21 more free entries. Those entries ask a question & guide you to the answer.
• Entry limit is 22 entries per person, 1 entry per business question/answer. For details, see Sweepstakes Rules.
We do not sell your personal information.
I love promoting local businesses and I love giving money away. Thanks to you I’m doing just that.
You get a chance to win cash while discovering local products, services, specials, sales, and discounts. Did I mention you can win cash? And shop!
Let us know what you think.
Jim Wallis
Your Privacy
We do not sell your personal information. The personal information we gather is used to conduct the sweepstakes and to enable opt-ins for our email blasts. For details, read our privacy policy.
Please note, however, that when you win a Love Arizona Sweepstakes cash prize, we want to feature you on our website and social media. See Sweepstakes Rules for details.